Mound, Minnesota could be considered home of the lakes. With approximately 17 miles of lakeshore property across
multiple lakes, Mound, Minnesota is the place to be if you love being on the lake. To learn a little more about Mound and everything it has to offer, check out our website where we have compiled some helpful information on the city. Check it out here!

Now the question is, where do you find a good real estate agent for that area? Well we have the answer to that question, Buy Sell Lease Real Estate. Buy Sell Lease Real Estate is located in Wayzata, MN, only a short drive from Mound. At BSL Real Estate, owner and operator, Travis Senenfelder is looking to help you with leasing that property in Mound. Whether you are looking to lease some property that you already own or looking for a rental home, we got you covered.
Travis Senenfelder has the experience and the dedication to help make your dream a reality. To learn a little more about Travis, check out his bio here, to learn a little more about BSL Real Estate, check out our website at Also, you can contact Travis by email at, or you can call him at 651-216-9466. We look forward to exploring Mound, Minnesota with you.