Looking to sell some property but not quite sure how to go about it? Selling property can be rather tricky sometimes,
especially in today's economy. But here at BSL Real Estate, owner Travis Senenfelder, has over 10 years of experience in buying, selling, and leasing property. This makes him more than qualified to help find an excellent buyer for your property. Travis is a very driven and professional individual and will work non-stop to ensure the sale of your property in as timely of a manor as possible. To learn a little more about Travis Senenfelder check out his personal bio by clicking here.

When selling your property choosing the right agent is very important. At BSL Real Estate we understand the importance of a great real estate agent, and that's why we are here to help. On our website we have compiled some excellent tips for anyone looking to sell some property. Check it out here! We look forward to helping you sell your property, for more information please look at our website at www.buysellleasemn.com. You can also personally contact Travis Senenfelder by email at travis@buysellleasemn.com or by phone at 651-216-9466. We can't wait to hear from you.