When looking for a condo in the Twin Cities it can become a little stressful trying to find the right one, at the right price,
in the right location. Well, leave that stress to us, Buy Sell Lease Real Estate is here to help you with all these details. Travis Senenfelder is realtor and owner of Buy Sell Lease Real Estate, he holds over 10 years of experience in the real estate business as a realtor and can help make this a stress free experience for you. But don't just take my word for it, check out how some past clients described their time working with Travis Senenfelder by clicking here to read some testimonials. Now if you are looking for a rental agent for that condo in the Twin Cities, then we encourage you to contact Travis Senenfelder by either emailing him at travis@buysellleasemn.com or by giving him a call at 651-216-9466.