Over the years Eden Prairie has been consistently ranked as one of the best places to live in America. Eden Prairie is known for its excellent landscapes and great geography. Being only 12 miles from the Twin Cities, Eden Prairie is a sure win when it comes to location. Beside location and landscapes it is also home to many lakes and ponds giving the city quite a bit of lakefront property. To learn a little more about Eden Prairie, Minnesota check out our website where we have compiled some useful information about the city.
Check it out here!
Now, you are probably asking yourself where you can find a realtor in Eden Prairie. Well at Buy Sell Lease Real Estate we have a solution for you. Travis Senenfelder is owner and realtor at BSL

Real Estate and holds over 10 years of experience in the real estate field. Check out Travis's personal bio on our website by clicking
here. If Eden Prairie is the place for you then contact Travis Senenfelder by email at travis@buysellleasemn.com or by phone at 651-216-9466. Also feel free to browse our website at