Are you looking to sell your home? Are you trying to sell in the Twin Cities area? If you answered yes to either of those questions then we have the perfect solution for you. Travis Senenfelder. Travis is owner and operator of Buy Sell Lease Real Estate which is located in Wazata, Minnesota. Travis holds onto more than 10 years of experience in the real estate business and is dedicated to helping you sell your Twin Cities home. To learn a little more about Travis Senenfelder
check out his personal bio from our website by clicking here.

Now a days, it takes more to sell a home than just putting a for sale sign in the front yard. Travis is willing to go the extra mile to ensure the sale of your property. Through starting BSL Real Estate, Travis Senenfelder has built the experience and the tools to help you be successful in selling your home. Check out BSL Real Estate's website at to learn a little more about us, but more specifically check out our page geared just for those trying to sell their home by clicking here.
If you are looking for a local realtor to sell your home in the Twin Cities area, then contact Travis Senenfelder of Buy Sell Lease Real Estate. You can email him at or give him a call at 651-216-9466.