The Twin Cities area can be a very exciting and just overall great place to live. The Minneapolis/ St. Paul area is home to many many suburbs to choose from. Today, I am here to tell you about the Western suburbs and why you should live there. The Western suburbs is home to cities such as, Plymouth, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina, Eden Prairie, St. Louis
Park, Maple Grove, and many more. These Cities all have great location in comparison to downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul. There are also many parks, lakes, and outdoor theaters in this area. It is also home to many great schools and jobs making it an excellent choice for anyone, whether you are a family of one or a family of nine! To check out a little more about each individual city go to our website at and click on the city name at the bottom right side of the screen.

Travis Senenfelder of Buy Sell Lease Real Estate is here to help you find that residence in the Western suburbs. Travis Senenfelder is one of the best real estate agents in the Twin Cities area and he has the experience and the motivation to help you succeed in your search. To learn a little more about Travis Senenfelder check out his
personal bio by clicking on this link. You can also contact Travis directly by email at or by phone at 651.216.9466.